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Join Us!

Want to join #769 "Centennaires" Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron? Our program is 100% FREE!


Our Squadron is open to all youth ages 12-18. We strive to foster a bully free, equal opportunity environment for all. We do not discriminate, and openly accept all youth no matter the social class, gender or background. To join, come out on a Thursday evening to our Squadron! Bring your youth's Health Card and Proof of Citizenship. There will be a couple documents to complete and then we are on our way.


#769 has a ZERO tolerance policy on bullying, and our cadets under go Positive Social Relations for Youth training twice per year. 



To be eligible for membership as a Cadet, an applicant must:​

  • be a legal resident of Canada;

    • NOTE: this includes a landed immigrant, or person who is lawfully the dependent of a person on a temporary basis for the purpose of education or employment. ​

  • provide proof of provincial health insurance, or the equivalent;

  • be at least 12 years of age;

  • not have attained 19 years of age;

  • normally be in good physical condition;

    • exceptions apply;​

  • not belong to another Corps or Sqn;

  • be deemed acceptable by the Commanding Officer.​


Shortly after joining, you will be measured out by our Supply Officer for a uniform, and should receive it within 4-6 weeks after joining! 


Welcome to #769 Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron! 



We Parade:

Thursdays, 1830-2100

September - June 

565 Elizabeth St. E. Listowel ON. 


If you are interested in joining, please bring your Health Card and proof of citizenship. Please Click here to complete the joining paperwork.​

Our Mission
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